DG releases

sigrunb (sigrunb at earthlink.net)
Mon, 19 Apr 99 13:44:14 -0400

> Sender: tagata at sys.rand.co.jp (Akira Tagata)
> X-WebTV-Signature: 1
> ETAsAhQrh7Q8h01Yyg8dUo962NSHcHZHpgIUf+yGx8+pAKc1xH7PwFZDdrLo11c=
> From: lew at webtv.net (L EW)
> Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 21:31:29 -0700 (PDT)
> Content-Disposition: Inline
> Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; Boundary=WebTV-Mail-1208733839-3930
> Sender: owner-celi at mailgate.wizvax.net
> Precedence: bulk
> Reply-To: celi at mailgate.wizvax.net
> Why has Celibidache's son allied with Deutsche Gramaphon rather than EMI
> for future releases, even with the Munich Philharmonic? He wrote so
> glowingly about his relationship with EMI in the booklets that accompany
> the CD's. Are you aware if a problem developed between the family and
> EMI? Are there going to be any further EMI releases by Celibidache?
>Sorry. I have no information regarding these questions. But somebody
>might know the answers in this mailing list.
> Akira Tagata <akira at wizvax.net> Tokyo


I don't have the answer to this, but I suspect that the recordings with
the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra are owned by the Suedwestdeutscher
Rundfunk, and that therefore it might have been their administration who
made the contract with DG. If anybody has time and wants to find out
(maybe someone in Germany, I live in the US), they might contact the SWF
and ask them. I personally would have preferred if the recordings would
have been released with EMI, I like their sound much better!

Sigrun Heinzelmann <sigrunb at earthlink.net> , New York

PS: List owner:
please change my e-mail address,
from my old address <sigrunheinzelmann at prodigy.net>
to my new address <sigrunb at earthlink.net>

Thank you!